Storage of goods

Move your warehouse to ABC Direct Contact. We provide full logistics service and 24h monitoring

Reduce costs, save time

Optimize storage costs for your business. We have warehouses with a total area of 2000 m2. We have warehouses located in several strategic places in Poland, including Warsaw, Łódź and Częstochowa. The distribution of warehouses in strategic logistic locations enables fast transport to any place in Poland and easy and fast communication with courier companies. We also have our own transport and logistics department, thanks to which we can provide complete solutions in the field of storage, as well as transport and full logistics. All our warehouses are equipped with camera systems and monitored 24h.

Full service

We offer storage of advertising materials as part of the campaigns, as well as storage services for other goods, e.g. for companies from the e-commerce industry. We provide full logistics service, including packaging and packaging services, including: unpacking, sorting, packaging, co-packing, labelling, packaging, assembly of sets, film application, picking and unpicking of items, etc.

Expand your business with ABC Direct Contact.

Join our happy customers

We work for large and small companies, including:


Individual quotation for your company in 24 hours

Call or write to us using the contact form and briefly describe your needs. Our experts will contact you within 24 hours (or next business day) and present a tailor-made offer.